Skin-to-Skin Contact: How Important It Is for the Baby's Development?

"Skin-to-Skin Contact" approach advocating that baby should be placed on mother's breast just after birth, is based on the idea that in normal birth or birth by c-section surgery, naked baby should be laid on mother's bare breast.

The baby is happier, the baby's temperature is more stable and more normal, the baby's heart and breathing rates are more stable and more normal, and the baby's blood sugar is more elevated. 

Not only that, skin to skin contact immediately after birth allows the baby to be colonized by the same bacteria as the mother. This, plus breastfeeding, are thought to be important in the prevention of allergic diseases. 

Over 40 years of research has proven that in the early months of life, Skin-to-Skin contact, also referred to as Kangaroo Care, creates remarkable benefits for you and your baby.

Benefits for Baby:

- Accelerates Brain Development

- Calms, Soothes, Reduces Crying/Stress

- Regulates Body Temperature

- Improves Quality of Sleep

- Enhances Immune System

- Stimulates Digestion & Weight Gain

- Synchronizes Heart Rate & Breathing

- Encourages Breastfeeding Behavior

Benefits for Mom:

- Reduces risk of Postpartum Depression

- Increases Milk Production

- Speeds Recovery Time

- Promotes Psychological Well Being

About video: Dr Nils Bergman on skin to skin contact with mothers and babies.