Having Your Mum as Your Birthing Partner

Firstly, it’s important to remember that birth is an intimate, private occasion that you only get one chance at – you can’t go back and do it over again.

Who you have at your birth is a decision that is entirely up to you – and you only. Some women cannot imagine going through such a major life event without their mother by their side, whereas other woman can’t think of anything worse than having their mother in the birth room. 

Some birth professionals point out the huge similarities to making love and birth: the same hormones come into play (especially oxytocin), the noises are similar, and both events take place in privacy and often darker lighting, which is how birth hormones work best. 

Its been said that the two individuals who conceived the baby should be the only ones present when birthing the baby (aside from birth professionals). Sex is an intimate, vulnerable act, as is birth, which is why some women feel strongly about who is observing the act of giving birth.

For those who are going to be a single mother, or have a partner who is unable to attend the birth for whatever reason, then your mother may be the person you think of as an alternative birth partner.