8 Signs and Symptoms of Labour You Should Look Out For

Before you prepare yourself to grab your hospital bag, make sure you are experiencing the actual labour pain symptoms, as many a time, it may be a false alarm or pre-labour signs only. Your body prepares itself for the upcoming labour, and thus you may confuse it with active labour. In this video, we shall acquaint you with the early signs of labour and what you are required to do.

Some women tend to overlook even the first signs of labour, thinking that it is normal in pregnancy. It is suggested that if you experience any signs and symptoms associated with labour, get in touch with your doctor at the earliest to avoid complications. If there are no complications involved in your pregnancy, you may be told to wait till your contractions last for about a minute each. These may come every five minutes, for up to an hour at a stretch. It will be a good idea to monitor and record the time of your contractions. As soon as you experience the actual signs of labour, where the contractions are more prominent, and at regular intervals, you should get in touch with your doctor.