7 Important Sleeping Tips During The Third Trimester Of Pregnancy

Follow these simple tips to avoid bad sleeping position during pregnancy third trimester.

1. Use pillows and cushions to get into a comfortable position during sleep. If possible, invest in a curved pregnancy pillow that is available in leading maternity stores.

2. Try sleeping on your left side and wedging pillows between your legs and behind your back for some extra support.

3. Slip into loose, comfortable nightwear and avoid tight clothing. Stick to breathable cotton fabrics that get you all comfortable and in the ‘feeling’ of sleep.

4. Lying down on the bed may not exactly be comfortable during the third trimester. If you find yourself cozier on a comfy chair or a sofa, go ahead and doze off.

5. Consume light food at dinner. Avoid spicy foods since they tend to cause heartburn that usually aggravates during the night.

6. Try some light exercise, under the supervision of a trainer of course. This will relax you and give your body a good supply of oxygen, which will help you sleep better.

7. About 15 minutes before getting into bed, try and get away from all distractions and allow your mind to relax. Stick to positive thoughts and you’ll find it easier to doze off.