24 Pregnancy Hacks to Make Your Journey Easier

There are a ton of new challenges that come when you get pregnant. At first, everything seems to be going fine, but then, as your belly grows, you can’t shave your legs anymore, sleep on your stomach or not feel sleepy every two minutes.

You can place a sponge in a selfie stick and then cover it up with some shaving foam. Then, you can apply the shaving foam on your legs using the extendable sponge, and you can attach your razor on the selfie stick to reach your ankles. 

To get rid of stretch marks and other pregnancy scars, you can mix some aloe vera gel with some coconut oil to make your own ointments for your belly. Apply it on the scars every night and you’ll see great results in just a few months. 

When the baby is about to arrive, you also notice all the dangers around the house. So to keep your baby protected, you baby proof everything – to the point that your apartment is empty.