Yoga for Third Trimester Pregnancy

Welcome to our Active for 2 Yoga practice 3 for the second trimester. Give yourself enough time to do the practices, and create a bit of space, by laying out your yoga mat. Or if you haven't got one, a few blankets. Have some water nearby, and if you feel dizzy or it's uncomfortable, just stop. It's important you listen to your body.

Before we get started on the moves designed for your stage, we'll be getting our minds and bodies ready with some breathing and stretching exercises. When you're ready to begin, get yourself in a comfortable seated position, perhaps using a pillow under your bottom, to help you lift your hips, so that they're higher than your knees.

This 30-minute pregnancy yoga workout is specifically designed for your second trimester. It’s presented by pregnancy yoga specialist coach Clare Maddalena, who has taught yoga to over 5,000 expectant mums and is passionate about its mental and physical health benefits. 

Yoga for First Trimester Pregnancy

Yoga for Second Trimester Pregnancy

Yoga for Third Trimester Pregnancy