Why Does Pregnancy Make You More Prone to Hemorrhoids?

Sometimes increased pressure in the rectum causes the blood vessels of the anus to become swollen; the increased pressure can result from constipation, diarrhea, pregnancy, or aging. When the blood vessels become swollen, they are called hemorrhoids, or piles.


Hemorrhoids are more common if the woman is constipated. The most common cause of hemorrhoids is straining during bowel movements. Hemorrhoids can be internal, occurring inside the anus; or they can be external, occurring just under the skin at the anal opening. They can also protrude from the anus.


Why does pregnancy make you more prone to hemorrhoids?


1 - The enlarged womb increases pressure in the hemorrhoidal veins.


2 - Blood supply increases during pregnancy, rasing pressure within the veins.


3 - Hormones tend to relax the anorectal area's supporting muscles.


4 - Pregnancy often causes constipation, which is a trigger of hemorrhoids.