There are three things you can do to break the connection between baby and placenta and finalize baby's entrance earth-side:

Cut it: This involves the use of a clamp and scissors, once the cord has transferred all of baby's precious blood.
Burn it: This can be very ceremonial and intentional, and involves burning the cord from both sides to create a cauterized separation between baby and cord. It's a great way to involve the whole family and create a space to close out the birth portal together.

Lotus Birth: A lotus birth is the most gentle form of separation, which involves leaving baby attached to a (preserved) placenta until the cord simply falls off on its own! There are pros and cons to this method, with many mothers reporting it to be difficult to transport baby and placenta over a few days' time, while others love the concept and ritual that it brings to birth.

If you are wanting to know more about your options and more details when it comes to cord removal: freebirthsociety
What did you do with your placenta?