Watsu: Water Massage for Pregnant Women

Watsu, like reflexology, employs ancient principles used to unblock the free flow of energy through the body. Watsu combines water and shiatsu, a form of Japanese "finger pressure" massage applied to the meridians of chi.


Watsu is performed in a private pool in chest-deep warm water (about 35°C). With the goal of releasing blockages along the body’s energy pathways (also known as meridians or chi), Watsu massage uses many of the techniques found in acupressure and Shiatsu. 


It also combines elements of joint mobilization, muscle stretching, and dance. Backfloating and supporting the receiver in the water, the Watsu therapist massages, rhythmically moves, and stretches the receiver into a variety of positions designed to loosen the muscles and induce a deep state of relaxation.


Benefits of Watsu for Pregnant Women:

- Since watsu is a holistic type of healing it is best as it is natural way of mind body coordination.

- Good for heart rate, decreased rate of respiration and a good immune system response.

- Watsu massage is good for muscle and joints, it does promotes stretching of the muscles plus joints.

- Relaxes the body and mind, helpful for the pregnant women specially for stress and anxiety plus relaxation.

- This is also best for the preparation for the water technique of giving birth if you are thinking of it as an option.

- You are like floating and you can feel the ease and relaxation all over your body.