Tips for Dressing Your Newborn Baby

In the first year, babies grow fast. It’s a good idea to buy clothes that are comfortable and easy to pull on and off. This size guide can serve as a general rule of thumb when you’re out shopping for the newest member of the family:  Size triple zero (000) will fit babies up to three months old, while size double zero (00) is for babies between the ages of three to six months. Some bigger babies may be ready to go straight into a double zero (00). 

It’s fine if clothes hang a little loosely at first, they'll be filling them out in no time. So, what kind of clothes does your newborn need? Stretchy jumpsuits that fasten at the front and clothes that are soft and comfortable like singlets, nighties, cotton bunny rugs, socks, hats and cardigans or jackets in the winter are all fine. 

Make sure that you're SIDS aware. Remove any sort of hat from your baby when they're sleeping both at home and in the car. It’s important your baby stays warm during the colder months. Wearing a number of layers is an easy way to dress for the weather outside. Because your baby will grow fast, you may want to try buying the minimum amount of clothing in each size. 

Try to avoid using strong detergent or fabric softeners while washing as these can irritate your baby’s skin. If cloth nappies or other clothes are soiled with poo, rinse them  thoroughly and then soak them in nappy sanitiser before washing. So when dressing your baby you want to dress your baby in an extra layer than yourself. So for example, you would always probably put a singlet on under a jumpsuit if you're just in a t-shirt.