Prenatal Yoga: Lunge Yoga Pose (Anjaneyasana)

The Lunge Yoga pose (Anjaneyasana) is a pose named after a Hindu deity, Hanumana a.k.a. Anjaneya (called so after his mother, Anjani). The pose is also known by other names such as the Cresecent Lunge Pose, High or Low Lunge pose. But, all these are merely variations of the same pose, which will be discussed later in this article.

It is a common pose in Advanced Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskara) sequence. The pose is another hip opening exercise which simultaneously strengthens groin area.

The pose is highly effective in toning the inner thighs, calves and strengthening ankles and toes and knees. Apart from this, it has been found helpful in constipation, indigestion and sciatica. The pose is beneficial for women with menstrual problems. While you have a much flexible spine right after the class, regular practice leads to stronger bones and lower risk of osteoporosis.

Always check with your doctor or prenatal care provider before beginning any exercise program.