Prenatal Yoga: Cow Cat Stretch Pose

Cow Cat Stretch pose or sequence is a combination of two yoga poses, namely, the Cat pose (Marjaryasana) and the Cow pose (Bitilasana). Since, they both focus on maintaining a healthy spine, they are often done together.

The Cat-Cow pose is although one of the Restorative poses, it serves as a good warm-up and cool-down for torso twisting poses too.

It is an extremely beneficial sequence to lengthen, strengthen and stretch your spine. By going from flexion to extension synced with breath work, one enhances blood circulation in the back. This relieves from pain, stiffness and nourishes the deeper spaces of the spine. Thus, giving flexibility, correcting postural alignment, and stimulating abdominal organs like kidney and adrenal glands.

Additionally, it also strengthens and tones the arms and lower back. This is a great sequence for women as it provides strength to uterus and relieves from stress. It can be done during the pregnancy too (only under expert supervision).

Always check with your doctor or prenatal care provider before beginning any exercise program.