Prenatal Yoga: Corpse Pose (Savasana)

Corpse pose (Savasana or Mrtasana) a.k.a death pose, is perhaps the most important of all the yoga asanas. It is performed after every exerting pose or at the end of yoga session to give the body optimum time to relax both physically and mentally.

The pose is very different from sleeping, as on the deeper level one has to consciously relax every muscle in his/her body. And hence, even though it involves lying in a supine neutral position, it often comes across as one of the most challenging of all yoga poses.

The various variations of Corpse pose form the foundation of the relaxing style of yoga, known as the Restorative Yoga.

The pose is tremendously helpful in relieving depression and stress of all kinds and calming the nervous system. It is like a reboot mechanism wherein you don’t need to sleep or spare time for a nap. Also, it is a great remedy for insomnia.

Savasana holds profound ability in regulating blood pressure, heart and respiration rate while boosting energy levels, memory, cognition and focus. Most students skip this last session of yoga class, ought to know that this pose is THE tool to garner full benefits of any yoga class.

Always check with your doctor or prenatal care provider before beginning any exercise program.