Prenatal Yoga: Cobbler’s Pose (Baddha Konasana)

Cobbler’s pose (Baddha Konasana) a.k.a. Butterfly or Bound Angle pose, is one of the most relaxing hip opening poses. It is performed while sitting and is an excellent posture to be practiced during pregnancy, as it prepares the groin and uterus for childbirth.

The pose energizes body and mind, while stretching and toning inner thighs. Its reclined version, Supta Baddha Konasana or the Goddess pose is equally restorative and apt for this purpose.

While sitting in this pose, you stretch the shoulders, lower back, groin and inner thighs. It improves your seated posture and is extremely helpful for women in menstruation, relieving symptoms of menopause, and ease childbirth. The pose stimulates and strengthens abdominal organs like heart, kidneys, liver, uterus and ovaries, prostate, bladder, etc.

Additionally, cobbler’s pose is also therapeutically useful in sciatica and improving mental focus. It is a wonderful pose to get into while experiencing anxiety, fatigue, mood swings, or mild depression.

Always check with your doctor or prenatal care provider before beginning any exercise program.