Pregnancy Workouts in the Water

Working out in water can also help to relieve some of the common pregnancy concerns, such as swollen feet and aching joints, that may be keeping you from your usual fitness routine.

For example, breast growth and abdominal expansion shift a woman's center of gravity forward, making back pain and sciatica -- pressure on the long nerve passing down the back of the thigh -- common during pregnancy. 

Hormonal changes initiated by pregnancy also result in greater laxity and mobility in joints, thereby increasing the risk of injury, especially to hips, knees, and ankles. The zero-impact nature of exercising in water alleviates both conditions.

Then, too, aquatic therapy has proven particularly effective in combating another problem exacerbated by pregnancy, water retention, both by metabolizing calories and by the pressure exerted by the pool's water against the skin. 

The weightlessness of exercising in the Endless Pool means women can stay active right up until term, while being careful to avoid overexertion and overheating.

Get started with any of these easy-to-master moves. All of the exercises are considered safe to do during any stage of pregnancy — just check with your health care provider as you would before starting any new exercise.