Pregnancy Guide - Preparing Your Mind for Pregnancy

Another important aspect of preparing for pregnancy is getting your body in shape. Your baby has the healthiest chance at life if you are at an optimum weight when you conceive. Being overweight also increases your risk of developing gestational diabetes.

In addition to that, cardiovascular health and muscle fitness will make your pregnancy and delivery easier on you. If you are in shape before you get pregnant, chances are you will gain less weight during pregnancy and have an easier time losing weight postpartum.

Your energy levels will remain high, and your body will be better equipped to handles the stressors of pregnancy. This can make a radical difference in how you feel while pregnant! Remember, you can continue to exercise throughout pregnancy.

Most mothers would also tell you that in your preparation for pregnancy, you should not overlook the needs of your mind and spirit. Live out some of your passions. Take that vacation you always dreamed about. Purchase something that you have been holding off on getting because it is expensive. Why?

Once the baby comes, life as you know it will change. While most of these changes are for the better – some will leave you desperate for your old self. It is easier to sow some wild oats and spend some quality time with your spouse right now so that when baby comes you will not feel like anything in your life is missing.