Maternity Allowance

Understanding your rights to time off during your Maternity Leave can be confusing - should you claim Statutory Maternity Pay or Maternity Allowance?

Maternity Allowance is usually paid to you if you didn’t qualify for Statutory Maternity Pay. The amount you can get depends on your eligibility. You can claim Maternity Allowance as soon as you have been pregnant for 26 weeks. Payments can start 11 weeks before your baby is due.

Effect on benefits or tax credits:

- Employment and Support Allowance

- Carer's Allowance

- Housing Benefit/Rate Relief

- Income Support

- Bereavement benefits

- Jobseeker's Allowance – this will stop if you get Maternity Allowance

About video: This video will explain what you need to know to find out what you’re eligible for and how much you’ll receive.