Life Before Kids vs. Life After Kids

Now you can be a little more prepared. Partially eaten meals, going days without a real shower, and hardly any “you time” will most likely become the norm. What you get in return, however, makes it more than worth it: endless love, undying affection, and a family bond that’s yours forever.


Watching TV Lunchtime Movie Night

Before Kids

- Why would she let him die?

- Oh, honey, it's OK. It's just a TV show.

Before Kids

- Oh my gosh, is this your slow roasted pork?

- Yeah, I did it all day.

- Oh man, this looks amazing. Here you go. (giggles)

Before Kids

- I thought this was your favorite movie.

- I've seen it a million times.

After Kids

- It's right there in your backpack, how do you not see that? Oh my god.

- It's just a TV show.

After Kids

- All right, you're gonna play soccer with one cleat. We warned you about getting your shoes out ahead of time. We gotta go.

- Wait, have you eaten yet?

- No, it's OK. Thank you.

After Kids

- Baby. Come on, I thought this was your favorite movie.

- I've seen it a million times.

- But it's so good. So good.