Hypnobirthing: Settling Down and Having Children

Kate and Ollie are using a hypnobirthing plan to give birth to their second baby. There was a time when Kate couldn't see Ollie being the person to have children with, but as time has passed she has seen him become less of a free spirit, not wanting to be tied down with responsibility. He's now the provider of the family, and viewing life in a different way to how he used to.

Did you know?

Most childbirth preparation classes make you focus on managing pain naturally. Hypnobirthing is much more than that. This method teaches that mind controls your body completely and helps mothers to prepare for birth with deep relaxation techniques, happy thoughts, making the right birth choices, and even letting go of fear and tension.

Just like mammals, humans are capable of giving birth comfortably and easily. Our bodies are designed for babies to easily slide out. Through Hypnobirthing, you can condition yourself to be deeply relaxed and confident when the times comes for you to give birth to your precious one.