How to Help Aches, Pains and Swelling During Pregnancy

Your body goes through so many changes while you're pregnant. There are many kinds of aches and pains which are caused by muscles stretching and your uterus becoming heavier. Leg cramps and lower back pain are common. 

There are a few easy ways to help: Keep gently active - even a daily walk will help ease aches and pains. Sleep on your left side, not your tummy or back. Maintain your posture and use support pillows to support your back, if you need them. Improve circulation in your ankles with rotation exercises. Elevate your feet as often as you can. Wear flat, supportive and comfortable shoes. Take a warm bath to relieve muscle pain and tension but make sure it's not too hot. 

Cat cow stretch: This stretch can be done in 10 repetitions 3 times a day, to improve spinal mobility. Remember to breathe normally and move within your range. If you are experiencing severe pain, please make sure that you speak with your health professional.