Having a Planned Caesarean Section

A woman may want a planned cesarean section to give birth for many reasons. For some, it's the best choice. But C-sections have risks of their own.

Caesareans are often planned before the birth for a medical reason, or because it is the mother’s decision. There are some important things to consider if you are planning to have a caesarean.

Some women opt to have a caesarean for non-medical reasons - for example, so they can avoid a vaginal birth or because it is more convenient.

Remember that a caesarean is major surgery which carries risks, including heavy bleeding and problems with the placenta. It can also affect future pregnancies.

You have a right to be involved in making decisions about the type of birth you will have. If you are thinking of a planned caesarean and there is no obvious medical reason, discuss the pros and cons with your doctor.