Does a Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) Remove Stretch Marks?

If you are wondering whether or not a tummy tuck or an abdominoplasty  will get rid of stretch marks, the answer depends. The answer depends on the location and the extent of the stretch marks. Stretch marks occur in the skin after the skin is stretched. Commonly, that's either in the setting of a tummy tuck, because someone gained a large amount of weight or even more commonly, because a woman got pregnant and had a child. Depending on the location of the stretch marks, a tummy tuck will get rid of some, if not all, of the stretch marks. 

By preforming a tummy tuck, we remove a large amount of skin and fatty tissue from the lower part of the belly or the abdomen. If the location of the stretch marks is within the skin that is being removed, then the stretch marks will be removed. Commonly, the skin that's removed is from the level of the top part of the pubic hair line to a level just above the belly button. So, in general, stretch marks in that area will be removed. However, stretch marks higher up on the belly will not. So, the only good way to get rid of stretch marks is to surgically cut them out and we do this in a tummy tuck, but only in a limited area.