DIY Belly Cream to Prevent Pregnancy Stretch Marks

If you’re pregnant and your belly is growing, you may be all-too-familiar with the itchy, stretchy feeling that happens as the skin expands. This is a common concern for women, especially if they're worried about stretch marks.


Stretch marks are scars that can appear anywhere on the body that fat is stored, such as in the stomach, upper arms, thighs, breasts and buttocks. Body building, intense physical activity, childbirth and rapid weight loss are all causes of stretch marks. 


Unfortunately, many moisturizing products on the market contain toxic chemicals and preservatives, which can be harmful to both you and your baby. Anything that is applied to the skin is absorbed into the body. Your skin is your second mouth. If you wouldn't eat it, don’t put it on your skin.


About video: Belly cream is something that you can use to help prevent stretch marks. Here's a way to make a great belly cream at home!