CrossFit During Pregnancy: Pregnant, Not Dead

While pregnant with her first child, Mandy Engle decides to continue working out with husband Chas at CrossFit Takeover in Virginia Beach, Virginia.


According to the American Academy of Obstetrics and Gynecology, it is perfectly safe to continue your existing fitness program during your pregnancy as long as your doctor gives you the okay. In fact they recommend that all women who have no complications with their pregnancies get 30 minutes of exercise most days of the week, adding that the exercise can be anything you enjoy that doesn't risk abdominal trauma and isn't scuba diving.


"Women who aren’t deemed high risk can exercise while pregnant," says Carline Vilfort, M.D., D.O. Not only will exercise help with common pregnancy complaints such as back pain and sleep troubles, it also triggers the flow of endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin, making you feel good overall, she adds.


Exercising while pregnant can also help keep excessive baby weight off as well as make labor easier even if by a small amount. However, if you feel pain in any region, early contraption, less fetal movement, or vaginal discharge while exercising, stop and call the doctor immediately.