Bladder Bowel Health After Pregnancy

Getting your bladder back to normal function after having a baby is essential whether you had a catheter or not. Your Midwife will measure the first time you pass urine and ask you: 

• Have you passed urine in the past 4-6 hours? 
• Have you had the urge to pass urine? 
• Did you feel like you completely emptied your bladder? 

If you answered no to any of these questions or had any urine leakage please notify your midwife immediately. To encourage a healthy bladder and bowel, avoid constipation and straining on the toilet. This can help prevent pelvic floor muscle weakness which can lead to hemorrhoids, incontinence, anal fissure or prolapsed. 

Drink one and a half to two litres of water a day. Limit and avoid excessive caffeine and alcohol. Eat a diet high in fibre. For example, fresh fruit and vegetables and wholemeal products. Walking and gentle change of positioning. Don't ignore the urge to use your bladder or bowel. Take your time to empty your bladder or bowel, and breathe deeply and stay relaxed. 

If you are having trouble with your bowel, you can try: 
• Keeping your knees higher than your hips. 
• Leaning forward and putting your elbows on your knees. 
• Relaxing your tummy and straightening your spine. 
• It can be difficult to go to the toilet soon after having a baby. 

It can be reassuring to know that your body will heal and there are pelvic floor specialists to help if you need them. Remember you're healing, so it's important that you listen to your body take it easy eat well and trust that each day will show some improvement.