Being Pregnant: How to Solve Your Problems?

To avoid getting itchy stretch marks on your belly, mix some aloe vera juice with some coconut oil and apply it to your belly. Then repeat the same process a few times a day. 

To avoid having to tie your shoelaces, simply apply some hair ties on your shoes. This will make them stretcher and it will be easier to put them on. 

You can crop a shirt and attach a piece of lace at the back of it to stretch it out and make it more fashionable. Another great trick is to take an old t-shirt and attach it in the inside of a regular shirt to expand it and make it larger. 

If you feel like some of your maternity shirts are too large and don’t compliment your body, then you can simply attach a piece of an elastic band around their waist. This will make them look like a dress and it will feel more comfortable.