Baby's Development in the Womb: 37-40 Weeks Pregnant

At 37 to 40 weeks the baby's position is usually set, and the majority of babies are in the head down position. So when you come into your office visits, we will feel to see if the baby's head is down. If for any reason that we're not sure, based on feeling on your abdomen, we'll do a quick ultrasound and make sure that the baby's head is down. 

If the baby is in the breech position, there's still a chance that the baby can flip spontaneously, but options at that point are to talk about aversion, which is manually rotating the baby. 

And if the baby does not turn by the due date, then to talk about scheduling a cesarean delivery. It is important to keep track of the baby's movements at this point. You should feel the baby move 10 times in every two hours. Every single movement or motion counts, so it doesn't necessarily have to be something very forceful. 

You'll notice that they baby's movements will take on a more slow motion, as opposed to forceful movements. You shouldn't notice the frequency of the baby's movements to slow down as much as just the tone of the movement.