Aquatic Pregnancy Exercises for Pregnant Women

Moving in water to take pressure off your back which tends to be overloaded from the weight of your baby. This often helps reduce ankle and calf swelling often associated with pregnancy. Water allows you to be weightless helping to alleviate stress on muscles and joints.

Pregnant women's temperatures tend to be slightly higher than normal. Aquacise is a favourite form of exercise because water has a cooling effect on their bodies.

Swimming instructors claim it is excellent preparation for labour because it helps women to concentrate on their breathing, bringing more oxygen to their lungs, a technique which can help to reduce pain during childbirth.

Aquacise also helps release toxins thanks to the pressure of the water. Pressure helps send more blood to the heart, having the effect of cleaning out our systems.

Aquacise is excellent for regaining strength to your abdominals after labour because this is an important aspect of the class. However, women should not attempt to strengthen their abdominal region until at least six weeks after childbirth because this area is still tender and stretched.

Get started with any of these easy-to-master moves. All of the exercises are considered safe to do during any stage of pregnancy — just check with your health care provider as you would before starting any new exercise.