7 Facts You Need to Know About Baby Kicks

A baby's movements aren't very strong in the earlier stages of pregnancy. The average number of kicks falls between 15-20 per day, remembering this includes all movement, not just  kicking your bladder! Every baby is different, and this includes their movements.

Babies rest and sleep in the womb as much as 17 hours a day, usually for priods of around 40-50 minutes at a time. Most pregnant women will notice a peak in activity after meal times, after being active and during the evening.

Reduced movements can mean your baby isn't getting enough oxygen or nutrients. If you think your baby's movements have reduced, always contact your care provider for advice. You should feel at least 10 separate movements in that time. If you don't notice movements in a two hour period, you should contact your care provider immediately.

A maternal and fetal assessment will be done to look at the cause of reduced fetal movements. Sometimes a problem is detected and your care provider wll discuss with you how to proceed if your baby needs to be born early, to prevent further complications.