6 Questions About Your Water Breaking

1. What exactly happens when my water breaks? When the amniotic sack that protects baby ruptures, a burst of clear fluid flows out of your cervix and vagina, followed by continuous leaking. That's your "water breaking".

2. Does it mean baby is on the way? Short answer: Probably-although labor may not begin right away.

3. What does it feel like? It's different for everyone: Everything from a barely noticeable trickle (you may think you peed a bit!) to a Hollywood-style gush is normal.

4. Wait, how will I know it's not pee? Amniotic fluid is usually odorless and clear or tinged with small streaks of blood. (Your pee? Not so much)

5. How much fluid are we talking about? Ultimately, all 600-800 milliliters of amniotic fluid will empty out. Whoa!

6. So what should I do when my vater breaks? Call your ob-gyn! She'll advise you on when to go to the hospital.