6 Awesome Facts About Your Breastfeeding Boobs

6 things you didn't know about your boobs while you're breastfeeding:

1. Weight, What? Your breasts can again up to 2 pounds each to prep for feeding your baby.

2. Right On! Most moms make more milk in their right breast than their left - and it has nothing to do with being left or right-handed.

3. Hole in One? Breast milk sprays out of more than one hole in each nipple. The number of holes varies from mom to mom.

4. Bigger Isn't Better: Large breasts don't produce more milk than small breasts. That's A-OK by us smaller-busted mamas!

5. Feel the Burn: Nursing can torch up to 500 calories per day. Good news, since you'll be beyond hungry!

6. Heal Thyself: Cracked nipples? Rub on some breast milk! It can actually help your skin heal.