5 Breastfeeding Myths and Facts That You Should Know

Myth 1: Breastfeeding Happens Naturally:

- Breastfeeding doesn't always happen immediately. Sometimes it does! But for many moms, it takes some practice.

- And that's completely normal.

- You have to learn your favorite positions, how to get a good latch, what that looks like and feels like. And moms can get discouraged if they think it's something babies and moms just know how to do. But once you get it right, it works.

Myth 2 - Breastfeeding Hurts:

- This is a big one. Moms think that nipple pain or soreness is part of breastfeeding and that's just not true.

- If something hurts, it's most likely a problem with latch or position.

- Exactly! You can make an adjustment and then start again. You don't have to suffer or be uncomfortable!

- My nipples were sore with my daughter, because she was too far away, and she was pulling on my nipple. I learned I needed to hold her closer. Simple solution.

- And, if you've been feeding in a position that's uncomfortable and your nipples gets pinched, it can take a few days to heal even after you've adjusted the position.

- There is help out there though, so if something hurts, make sure you get help from your WIC peer counselor or a lactation consultant.

Myth 3 - Formula Helps Sleep:

- Formula-fed babies may go longer between feedings, but that doesn't mean they are sleeping better.

- Formula is more likely to give them gas and tummy problems, especially babies under six months. Also, it's not good or normal for a newborn baby to sleep through the night. That's why breastfed babies have lower risks of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome or SIDS. It really is healthier for them to wake up at night to feed.

- I've also heard of moms giving rice cereal.

- That's not going to help either, and it can be a choking hazard. Sleeping through the night comes with age, as your baby's sleep patterns change, so it's not all about having a full tummy.

- Skip the formula, skip the cereal, and just stick to breastmilk. It's always available, and always has what the baby needs.

- And even better, it doesn't require warming in the middle of the night.

Myth 4 - You Can Give Both Formula and Breastmilk:

- Every mom has to do what's right for her, her baby and her family, but I always remind moms that breastfeeding works on supply and demand. So any time you're giving a bottle of formula instead of breastfeeding, you're missing a chance to empty your breasts and stimulate your body to make more milk. The more you nurse, the more milk you make.

- If mom has a good milk supply, it really doesn't work well to do both, because once you start, your body will make less milk, so you'll have to use formula more, and then you'll make less milk, instead of nursing more and making more milk.

- The baby needs mom's breastmilk. And breastmilk is much better for baby than formula.

Myth 5 - You Have to Be on a Special Diet:

- Nope! In fact, most moms can eat pretty much anything and they'll still make the

perfect milk for their babies, although occasionally, a baby may have sensitivity to something the mom is eating.

- So if you're ever concerned, just touch base with a lactation consultant.

- And breastfeeding burns an extra 600 calories a day, so it can help you lose the baby weight faster.

- I felt like it helped me get back to normal.