26 Weeks Pregnant

Are you feeling the “nesting” urge yet? Nesting is a primal instinct to create a safe and clean environment for your baby. (Think of mama and papa birds preparing a snug nest for baby.)
You may find yourself washing every ounce of clothing your baby will wear, including 6-month sizes and up. Or cleaning out closets, scrubbing toilets, or going to Goodwill half a dozen times. Embrace this energy, but try not to go overboard. Instead, focus on the essentials to prepare for baby.
Muscle cramping?
Muscle cramping can be common with mamas around week 26 due to all of the extra strain, as well as potential electrolyte imbalances. You can try boosting your potassium intake first. Coconut water is super high in potassium, and bananas are a great source as well.
If that doesn't help, you can move to magnesium-rich foods like pumpkin seeds, dark chocolate, and an abundance of leafy greens.