24 Weeks Pregnant

Six months into pregnancy, most mamas have gained about 15 pounds and are sporting a wonderfully round belly.
Please know that your weight gain is not just fat. The increased blood volume in your body alone will weigh 4 pounds when all is said and done. Not to mention the amniotic fluid (about 2 pounds); the placenta and uterus (another 1½ to 2 pounds, each); and additional breast tissue (yet another 2 or 3 pounds).
As you already know, the most important thing to focus on is nutrients, not calories. Your body will do what it needs to do.
Something you might ingest soon that is not-so-nutrient-dense is the glucola drink as part of your gestational diabetes screening. Somewhere between weeks 24 and 28, your provider will want to test your body's response to glucose as a screening for gestational diabetes. The drink is pretty nasty, so some natural mamas work with their midwives to use dates, orange juice, or even natural jelly beans as alternatives.