20 VBAC Birth Stories to Inspire You

20 VBAC Birth Stories to Inspire You

The World Health Organization @who recommends a caesarean rate of between 10-15% on a population level. When the rate goes above 10% there is no evidence that mortality rates improve, therefore its benefit to the mother and the baby becomes questionable.

The most common reason for a caesarean is having had a previous caesarean. This is why the vaginal birth after caesarean rate is only 12.2%. Of those who do attempt a VBAC, between 70-87% will experience one.

If you’ve had a previous c-section and are now planning for a vaginal delivery, we hope these positive, vaginal birth after c-section (VBAC) birth stories will inspire you.  

On the post you can read positive birth stories from our course graduates who have experienced home births, inductions, Caesarean (abdominal) births, water births, forceps, breach births, twins and multiple births and births using hypnobirthing.

We really hope that reading these stories will inspire you to know that a positive birth is something that you too can experience. You will also be able to pick up some super-helpful tips, as new parents share the things that made all the difference to their experience.