19 Weeks Pregnant

With baby being the size of about a mango right now, you can imagine that your uterus is getting quite large! All of this growth can really S-T-R-E-T-C-H the supporting muscles, ligaments, and structures of your body... and you may be feeling it. Literally.
For some mamas, it will manifest as sciatica, or lower back pain and inflammation. For others, it may be round ligament pain, which feels like a sharp shooting pain down your groin. Or, if you feel that shooting pain vaginally, you may have lightning crotch (yes, this is a thing).
All those conditions are totally normal (and totally uncomfortable).
So what's a mama to do? Here are some ideas.
Start with some targeted pelvic exercises
Try taking a warm Epsom salt bath a few times a week
Icing the lower back helps ease the pain for some mamas
Keep your muscles warm and limber by staying active each day
If none of the that helps, it might be time to see a chiropractor. Seek out a chiro who's trained in the Webster technique. (You don't want the typical “snap, crackle, pop” adjustment when you're preggers.)
Even if you aren't having significant back pain, regular chiropractic care from a trained professional can help keep your pelvis balanced and open, not only reducing pain but perhaps helping your baby maintain a good position for birth. WOOT!