16 Weeks Pregnant

Has anyone told you that you’re “glowing” yet? It’s not just a random compliment. Pregnancy glow is actually a very real thing.
Your blood volume increases from the start of pregnancy and peaks around 32 weeks pregnant. This increase in blood volume, which diverts more blood to the skin, is responsible for your beautiful glow.
By 32 weeks, your blood volume will have increased by nearly 50%, and will stay that way until delivery. Most of the blood volume increase is fluid volume, so drinking plenty of water is important.
Moving on, let's cover one not-so-pleasant side effect of pregnancy: an increase in vaginal discharge. It usually starts sometime in the second trimester, and increases until delivery. You can thank your high estrogen levels for this lovely development.
But it happens for good reason. Vaginal discharge during pregnancy helps to cleanse the vagina continuously to help keep harmful bacteria away from your growing baby.