16 Best Tips for Healthy Pregnancy You Must Know

Pregnancy is a wonderful experience like no other and with tips from this video it can become even better. Here's how to have a happy and healthy pregnancy:

- Eat well-balanced diet packed with vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients

- Take a supplement 

- Exercise regularly; you can swim, walk, practice yoga or pilates etc. 

- Do pelvic floor exercises 

- Stay away from alcohol 

- Limit caffeine intake

- Quit smoking

- Get some rest

- Get enough sleep 

- Don't forget about your oral health 

- Educate yourself about various aspects of pregnancy 

- Avoid chemicals that could harm your baby

- Start a pregnancy journal or even a blog

- Stay hydrated throughout the day

- Learn how to differentiate real from false contractions 

- Take a childbirth class.

During pregnancy you should avoid sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy foods, stressful situations, and taking illegal drugs as well as medications without consulting your healthcare provider.