15 Weeks Pregnant

You are growing in a most wonderful way. Your uterus is almost at your hipbones now. During your appointments, your midwife or OB will be measuring "fundal height,” which is the distance from the top of the uterus (fundus) to the pubic bone.
Most moms have gained around five pounds by week 15. But don’t fret if you’ve gained a few more or a few less—your body knows what it's doing. (By the way, most practitioners recommend gaining one pound per week from here on out as a general guideline.)
For the first time, you may be ready to up your food intake (by about 300 calories a day, according to conventional wisdom). But remember: it’s far more effective not to count calories, but to count nutrients.
Something that always makes me feel better, no matter the size of my body, is exercise. Now is a great time to get started if you haven't already. I’m not talking CrossFit (but kudos to you if that’s your thing). I’m talking about moving your body every day. The benefits are endless… from boosting your immune system to your energy levels, endorphins, and mood.
Studies show that women who exercise also have healthier pregnancies and births too.
But the benefits don't just stop with mama. Exercising can also benefit your little one! In fact, it may just make baby smarter!