11 Weeks Pregnant

Let me just get real with you. Life ain't much fun without your daily doo.
Yep,  one of the hardest pregnancy side effects to deal with is constipation, which may be rearing its ugly head right now. Once again, you can thank your surging pregnancy hormones for any bowel blockage.
Conventional wisdom is to drink plenty of water, exercise regularly, and eat a fiber-rich diet to get things moving again.
Prenatal vitamins that contain synthetic iron may cause constipation, too (so consider switching to a natural, food-based prenatal if you’re taking a synthetic version).
But while that’s fine advice, sometimes we still need an extra… push. An Epsom salt bath or supplemental magnesium are options, but I got mine in the form of two pears a day. They’re high in fiber, delicious, and just so happen to be an excellent natural laxative. My chia seed pudding has also been helpful for mamas in need.
Main point: find a healthy way to eliminate every day.