Premature Twins: A Mother’s Emotional Journey and NICU Story

This NICU experience surely teaches every parent who experiences it a whole bunch of lessons that they never wanted. But trust that you are growing, as a parent and as a person, by living through this ordeal. Remembering that this is a life lesson – one that you can’t appreciate now, but will make sense in time – can make it a little easier to bear. Just a little.

The power behind your emotions right now is because of your love as a parent. While that makes it so much harder, it also makes it so worth it. There is a lot of fear for many NICU parents. There’s no getting around it. But try not to see it as your enemy, see it as a sign of your powerful love, and honor yourself as a parent who loves deeply.

This is a challenge, without a doubt. But look at ways to grow, look for ways to overcome this pain, and you may find meaning in this struggle. For some parents, it might mean making new friends to support each other. For other parents, it might mean finally seeking a therapist to talk with, to help with the depression. For some, it might mean writing in a journal, for some it might mean asking for help. All of these things may help you overcome your pain, and all of them in the end will help make your life richer.