Mother Gives Birth to 13.47 Pound Girl in Germany

Mother Gives Birth to 13.47 Pound Girl in Germany 

One of the heaviest babies ever born in Germany was born last week at the University Hospital Leipzig. A baby weighing 13.47 pounds was born without the aid of a cesarean section in Germany, making her the country’s largest newborn ever.

Mother Gives Birth to 13.47 Pound Girl in Germany 

She was born vaginally, not via a C-section, according to a hospital statement. "We anticipated that the child would be big," said Holger Stepan, chief of obstetrics. "We prepared in advance by assembling a special team (of doctors and midwives) to be ready for any possible complications."

Mother Gives Birth to 13.47 Pound Girl in Germany 

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the heaviest baby ever born was a boy weighing in at 23 pounds and 12 ounces.  The boy was born on January 19, 1879 to a giantess named Anna Bates in Seville, Ohio, but the newborn died 11 hours after birth.

Mother Gives Birth to 13.47 Pound Girl in Germany