Labor Induction and Augmentation

In a pregnancy that is progressing normally, your body and your baby's secrete the hormone oxytocin, triggering labor. This starts contractions and preps your cervix by thinning and softening it. Induction is an attempt to jump-start this process.


What are the risks of inducing labor?:


- Increased risk of premature baby, even if you believe your baby is term

- Fetal Distress

- Uterine Rupture

- Placental Abruption

- Increased risk of cesarean section

- Increased use of interventions including pain relief, continuous fetal monitoring and other interventions


Once your labor and birth starts, you will most likely continue on the course of your labor. Though every now and then a labor will slow or stop. If your labor is stalled, you may require what is known as an augmentation of labor.